
Below is a list of links that I found interesting:
  • 2025/02/15: 15 Tips And Tricks On Learning Really Hard Things by David Wong
    I know David Wong from his book, Real-World Cryptography, and his blog His explanations are always clear and easy to understand. From this video, I learned that well-known experts sometimes have difficulty understanding things, but they find ways to overcome it.
  • 2025/01/10: AES: How to Design Secure Encryption by Spanning Tree
    We know how AES work, but we don't know what makes it a secure algorithm. Why are there Key Schedule, SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, AddRoundKey? This video explain the AES from a designers' perspective.
  • 2024/11/28: Big Endian vs. Little Endian: Key Comparisons by Hossein Ashtari
    This is a simple explanation of big endian and little endian.
  • 2024/11/01: Tutorial of Template Attack by NewAE Technology
    This tutorial provides a step-by-step template attack on AES.
  • 2024/10/13: How do QR codes work? by Veritasium
    This video presents the history and the techniques behind QR codes.
  • 2024/10/13: Test-of-Time Award for paper: Correlation Power Analysis with a Leakage Model by Francis Oliver
    This presentation is very informative: the stories behind the paper, many new research directions after the paper, what's going on this industry, what's next...
  • 2024/10/12: End-to-End Encrypted Cloud Storage in the Wild by Jonas Hofmann and Kien Tuong Truong
    This paper presents different interesting attacks on 5 encrypted cloud storage providers.
  • 2024/09/12: Better-performing “25519” elliptic-curve cryptography by Torben Hansen and John Harrison
    This blog explains how they accelerate x25519 and Ed25519 in x86_64 and Arm64 micro-architectures.
  • 2024/09/10: Pairings for the Rest of Us by Boyan Barakov
    This is a gentle introduction about parings for beginners. I love the author's shares about his learning journey.
  • 2024/09/03: EUCLEAK: Side-Channel Attack on the YubiKey 5 Series by Thomas Roche
    This interesting attack shows why constant-time implementation is important in crypto.
  • 2024/08/26: Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app? by Matthew Green
    This is an excellent blog about the encryption feature in Telegram. I quote my favorite paragraph: "My strong suspicion is that many people who join Telegram for its social media features also end up using it to communicate privately. And I think Telegram knows this, and tends to advertise itself as a “secure messenger” and talk about the platform's encryption features precisely because they know it makes people feel more comfortable."
  • 2024/08/26: Template Attacks by NewAE Technology
    This a gentle introduction about template attacks. It provides detailed steps of the attack concept and explains the intuition behind.
  • 2024/08/25: Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks on the Number Theoretic Transform for Post-Quantum Cryptography by Frank Custers
    This is a master thesis. I enjoyed the step-by-step explanation with a toy example about SASCA.
  • 2024/08/22: Side-Channel Leakage of Masked CMOS Gates by Stefan Mangard, ThomasPopp and Berndt M. Gammel
    This paper explained what glitches are and how they affect the DPA security. This is a fundamental paper leading to the invention of modern masking schemes such as Threshold Implementation. The explanations are very easy to understand.
  • 2024/08/01: Computational Aspects of Correlation Power Analysis by Paul Bottinelli and Joppe W. Bos
    This paper presented many approaches of computing Pearson correlation in side-channel analysis. The authors started from a naïve computation algorithm, then pointed out the limitation in terms of time and/or memory, especially when a large number of traces is used for the computation. From that, they proposed many improved versions for the computation algorithm and thoroughly compared their efficiency.
  • 2024/07/01: Computing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for SCA by Ileana Buhan
    This is an easy-to-understand introduction about the concept of SNR. The author started by explaining SNR from a statistical point of view, then linked it to the context of side-channel analysis (SCA).
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