# Professional information

Since January 2023, I am a PhD candidate at Université de Lyon (UJM-Saint-Étienne), in the SESAM team, under the supervison of Vincent Grosso and Pierre-Louis Cayrel. I work in embedded cryptography, with a focus on secure implementations of symmetric-key cryptography in the presence of physical attacks.
From 2021 to 2022, I was a cryptography engineer at CryptoExperts where I mainly worked on White-Box Cryptography. From 2019 to 2021, I completed my Master in Cryptology and Information Security (Cryptis program) at Université de Limoges.
In my free time, I enjoy tackling crypto CTF challenges on some platforms such as CryptoHack and NSUCRYPTO.
Curriculum vitae: [pdf]
# Publications
Darius Mercadier, Viet Sang Nguyen, Matthieu Rivain, Aleksei Udovenko
IACR Transactions of Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES) 2024
[paper] [code] [artifact]
# Talks / Posters
01 October 2024, at JAIF, Rennes, France
18 June 2024, at Journée de la Recherche, Saint-Étienne, France
Finalist in poster competition (top 11 among ~100), selected for presentation
06 June 2024, at SESAM seminar (ANR PROPHY project), in Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Étienne, France
16 October 2023, at Journées C2, in Najac, France
22 June 2023, at SESAM seminar (ANR PROPHY project), in Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Étienne, France
# Services
External Reviewer: EuroCrypt 2024, EuroCrypt 2025
# Teaching
# Master Thesis
Secure Wallet Application for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Transactions6 September 2021, at University of Limoges, France
[thesis] [slides]
# Contact
nvietsang [at] gmail.com
viet.sang.nguyen [at] univ-st-etienne.fr
Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Bâtiment F
18 rue du Professeur Benoît Lauras
42100, Saint-Étienne, France
# Others